Database mode in Tortazo

Tortazo uses an internal SQLite database to store the TOR relays scanned with Nmap and hidden services discovered by the onion repository mode. The switch “-D / –use-database” allows to use the database records instead to perform a scan. This switch is very useful to use with some plugins which requires targets to attack or enumerate.

The core tables used by Tortazo in the version 1.1 are:

  • Scan: Stores the date and number of relays found in every scan performed by Nmap.
  • TorNodeData: Stores the information of relays found and the state of every one.
  • TorNodePort: Stores the information of port states (closed, filtered or opened).
  • OnionRepositoryResponses: Stores the responses from the HTTP connections performed against the hidden services in Onion Repository.
  • OnionRepositoryProgress: Stores the progress for the Incremental search in the Onion Repository mode.

On other hand, the Crawler plugin stores the responses directly in the database, using the following structure

  • CrawlerPluginPlage: Stores the pages and HTTP responses.
  • CrawlerPluginImage: Stores the images found in the crawling process.
  • CrawlerPluginPageImage: Stores the relation between the images found and the pages.
  • CrawlerPluginForm: Stores the basic information about the forms found in the pages crawled by the plugin.
  • CrawlerPluginFormControl: Stores the controls which are included in every form found.

The database schema in this mode is the following.
